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The church currently runs three weekly activities for children and young people
ranging in age from birth to 17 years. To find out more about any of these please contact us and we will pass on your message to the appropriate person.
All adults who work with young people, whether in a voluntary or paid-for capacity are DBS-checked.
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URCHINS | Urchins is a drop-in toddler group for parents, carers and their children, meeting every Monday morning during term time between 10 and 11.30am. The session is structured with free play, followed by a snack. After this the ride-ons are brought out before the session ends with some songs. Cost is £1 per week (slightly more if more than one child) and there is no need to book. An opportunity to meet and play with other parents, carers and children in a safe environment. |
JZone | For children and young people aged from three years upwards, JZone meets with the adult congregation every Sunday morning at 10.45am for 15-20 minutes,before moving into groups for worship and learning. A creche is available for children aged under three years. This is free of charge. |
 | Pilots is a non-uniformed Christian organisation for all children and young people aged between 5 and 17. The company at our church meets on one Saturday a month, normally the first one of the month, from 2-4:30pm. Cost is £1 per child per week. There are different activities, games and challenges adapted to suit all ages and abilities, with:
Group | Age |
Deckhands | 5-6 year olds |
Adventurers | 7-10 year olds |
Voyagers | 11-14 year olds |
Navigators | 14-18 year olds |
The activities that Pilots do include crafts, drama, music, dance, cooking and eating. In many ways, it is similar to Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, and like those organisations, it is run by volunteers which helps to keep costs low..
Please contact us to find out more and if you/your child is interested in joining. | .